Our Organization
We are a group of concerned counties and communities in Southeastern Montana who came together to provide local financial support for economic development. The group formed the Southeastern Montana Development Corporation (SEMDC) and has been providing services since July 1997. This joint participation of counties and communities allows for synergy and prevents duplication of efforts while providing an agency locally to receive funding and administer services for economic development.
Current supporting members of the Southeastern Montana Development Corporation are Custer, Powder River, Rosebud, and Treasure Counties; included in the counties are the cities of Colstrip, Forsyth, and Miles City; and the towns of Broadus and Hysham. Supporters contribute $1 per capita annually.
Non-Profit Status
Southeastern Montana Development Corporation (SEMDC) has had a non-profit tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 status from the IRS since it merged with the Treasure Foundation in 1998. Copies of the SEMDC Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Revolving Loan Fund Policy/Procedures, can be supplied upon request.

Jim Atchison
Executive Director

Julie Emmons-Stoddard
Community Service Director & Grant Manager

Amber Hert
Administrative Services Director & Loan Officer
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of Southeastern Montana Development Corporation (SEMDC) includes a representative from each government (four Counties and five Cities/Towns), appointed by that government entity. Two members represent two unincorporated communities (Ashland and the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation), appointed by the county. One member represents Treasure Development, one member represents the Miles City Area Economic Development Council (MCAEDC), one member representing Chief Dull Knife College, and the Board of Directors appoints two at-large members for a total of sixteen Directors.
The Board of Directors is comprised of nine (9) elected officials (63%), plus one elected official representing and appointed by the Northern Cheyenne Indian Tribe and five private citizens (37%). Currently, twelve (12) men (80%) and three (3) women (20%) are serving on the Board. Minority representation is currently two (2) Directors (14%) which is consistent with District percentages. Each Director is assigned one or two areas of interest to represent the district.
The board meets quarterly or as needed. They have the final vote and/or authority directing the staff and projects.
Board of Directors: 2021 Roster
Representing the City of Colstrip, Elected
John Williams, Mayor
Representing Custer County
Jason Strouf, Custer County Commissioner
Vice President
Amy Pontius
Secretary / Treasurer
Representing Powder River County, Elected
Lori Fortner, County Commissioner
Representing the Town of Broadus, Elected Appointee
Raymond Ragsdale
Representing the City of Forsyth, Elected
Dennis Kopitzke, Mayor
Representing Rosebud County, Elected
Scott Hein, County Commissioner
Representing the Town of Hysham, Elected
Larry Fink, Mayor
Representing the Community of Ashland
Alan See
Representing Treasure County, Elected
Marlo Moehr, County Commissioner
Representing MCAEDC
Jack Regan
Representing the City of Miles City, Elected
Duane Andrews, Mayor
Representing Treasure Development Foundation
Ruth Baker
Representing Chief Dull Knife College, Appointed
Steve Small
(Appointed by the Tribal President)